Certifications and Awards

um logotipo que diz certificado iso 9001

ISO 9001

We are the first Foreign Trade company in the country to achieve ISO 9001certification across its entire operation. This internationally recognized standard establishes rigorous standards for quality management systems and represents a significant milestone in Sertrading's trajectory, reflecting our dedication to ensuring excellence in the services we offer and guaranteeing the full satisfaction of our customers.

Selo Great Place to Work

Great Place To Work

We are officially certified by Great Place to Work®️ (GPTW). This recognition is the result of years of ongoing efforts to build an inspiring, collaborative work environment that promotes the development of our employees.

um logotipo para uma empresa certificada iso 37001

ISO 37001

ISO 37001 is an international standard that attests to the effectiveness of our Anti-Bribery Management System, demonstrating to the market, partners, employees and customers that we act with integrity in all our activities.

logo for exame melhores & maiores

Melhores & Maiores [Best and Biggest]

We hold the 131st position in the ranking of the 1,000 companies with the highest revenues in 2022, marking our presence once again in the ranking by Exame magazine.

um logotipo azul para o pacto global da ONU com um globo e uma coroa de louros

UN Global Compact

We have signed and are committed to supporting the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labor, the environment and combating corruption. This agreement also makes the Global Compact and its Ten Principles part of our company's strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.

Learn about the principles of the Global Compact here and the Sustainable Development Goals here.

um distintivo de bronze para a classificação de sustentabilidade ecovadis 2023


We received Bronze level recognition from EcoVadis, attesting to the quality of our sustainability management system and reinforcing our commitment to society to build an increasingly sustainable future together.

a logo for empresa limpa  de integridade e contra a corrupcao

Clean Company

The Business Pact for Integrity Against Corruption is an initiative that reinforces our commitment to creating an honest and transparent business environment. Signing this Pact is another important step towards strengthening our culture of ethical values and promoting good practices in all our relationships, whether with collaborators, customers, suppliers or with society in general.

Selo Great Place to Work

Valor 1000

Featured in Valor 1000, in 2023 we rose 91 positions in the ranking. Today we hold 128th place among the 1,000 largest companies in Brazil.

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